Note to Self: It’s Okay to Want More
Photo by Ava Sol
May marks Mental Health Awareness month and as many states are starting to reopen, women across the country are finding themselves at a crossroads of what to do next. For many of us, spending the past 365+ days in quarantine has revealed some hidden talents.
Cookware we didn’t know we had has found its way from the back of kitchen cabinets into regular use on the top of our stove. We’re finding out that we actually could homeschool our kids. Conversations with significant others have left us so much more transparent.
There have been so many benefits of the past year and I think some of us have realized it’s a really good time to switch. Switch to a new role at our job. Switch into a new career field or if we’ve been stay-at-home moms this whole time, switch things up by entering the workforce again.
If the decision to switch things up or to pivot has caused you any anxiety, I want to give you all to give yourselves a personal permission slip and tell you that it’s okay to want more and do something different than what you’ve been doing.
In my experience working with women over the years, I have seen that sometimes we don’t push the envelope or try for more because we feel it threatens our sense of safety. But I would argue that you could be positioned to make a change for such a time as this. What better time than now when the world is experiencing a global shift to take a risk and try something different?
“The desire for more is not synonymous with being discontent. So don’t be afraid or ashamed of that desire. Advocate for yourself and go for it! ”
About the Author
Brieanna Lightfoot Smith is a published author, podcast host, and the owner of Brands by Brie - a boutique creative agency helping small women-owned businesses with their logo and web design needs. Get in touch with her over on her website