While visions of leaving your job may look like Angela Bassett in a scene from Set It Off, it’s important to remember that your existing workplace relationships can help you build a bridge to your next destination. As you prepare for your next move, consider the following tips to help you move on with purpose.
Read MoreHas the thought of leaving your 9-to-5 crossed your mind? You are not alone, Post-COVID resignations are expected to heat up, which is why you have probably seen the words “the great resignation” in the news lately. So, how do you begin the process? The first step is to stop making excuses, look at the signs, and create your strategic plan.
Read MoreWe had the honor of being part of career and leadership expert Kimberly B. Cummings virtual book tour to celebrate the launch of her new book “Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning into a Career You’ll Love” – a must-read! If you missed it, no worries we got you. Here are 5 gems we took away from the one-hour chat with Cummings that are life-altering and the perfect advice to get you on track for a purpose-driven career.
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